Table 3 Relationship between various neurophysiological criteria and duration of illness, severity of disease and outcome
Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5Set 6
Clinical subtypes
    Pure motor(n = 31)26 (83.9%)6 (19.4%)25 (80.6%)25 (80.6%)16 (51.6%)9 (29%)
    Motorsensory (n = 18)17 (94.4%)13 (72.2%)17 (94.4%)15 (83.3%)16 (88.9%)14 (77.8%)
    Pure sensory (n = 2)2 (100%)1 (50%)2 (100%)2 (100%)1 (50%)2 (100%)
    Ist wk (n = 25)22 (88%)8 (32%)22 (88%)20 (80%)18 (72%)12 (48%)
    2nd wk (n = 16)14 (87.5%)6 (37.5%)13 (81.3%)12 (75%)8 (50%)7 (43.8%)
    3rd wk (n = 10)9 (90%)6 (60%)9 (90%)10 (100%)7 (70%)6 (60%)
    ⩽3 (n = 2)2 (100%)1 (50%)2 (100%)1 (50%)1 (50%)1 (50%)
    4–6 (n = 15)13 (86.7%)5 (33.3%)13 (86.7%)11 (73.3%)8 (53.3%)7 (46.7%)
    >6 (n = 34)30 (88.2%)14 (41.2%)29 (85.3%)30 (88.2%)24 (70.6%)17 (50%)
    Complete (n = 11)9 (81.8%)5 (45.5%)9 (81.8%)8 (72.7%)8 (72.7%)6 (54.5%)
    Partial (n = 28)25 (89.3%)11 (39.3%)24 (85.7%)23 (82.1%)18 (64.3%)14 (50%)
    Bedridden (n = 9)9 (100%)3 (33.3%)9 (100%)9 (100%)6 (66.7%)4 (44.4%)
    Dead (n = 1)1 (100%)1 (100%)1 (100%)1 (100%)1 (100%)1 (100%)
  • Set 1, Albers and colleagues2; set 2, Cornblath3; set 3, Ho and colleagues4; set 4, Dutch GBS study group5; set 5, Italian GBS study group6; set 6, Albers and Kelly.7