Table 1 Results of EEG-fMRI analysis giving Talairach coordinates (obtained using software “mni2tal” (, Talairach labels (from Talairach Daemon ( and Z scores of fMRI activations associated with interictal left temporal discharges, SPM{F}, corrected p<0.05; extent threshold 50
RegionTalairach coordinatesCluster size (voxels)Z score
Temporal lobe
    L parahippocampal gyrus−32 −1 −201192>8
    L middle temporal gyrus−59 −20 −142996.40
    L middle temporal gyrus−51 8 −311016.66
    L middle temporal gyrus−46 −62 32316.11
    L superior temporal gyrus−65 −17 33015.78
Parietal lobe
    L postcentral gyrus−22 −31 721720>8
    R postcentral gyrus48 −19 5312047.77
    Occipital lobe
    L lingual gyrus−20 −58 162927.65
    R inferior occipital gyrus28 −91 −4695.81