Table 1

Characteristics of the four patient groups

N (%)Relapse onsetAge at onset of MSAge at first childNo of childrenEDSS 6 reachedTime to EDSS 6
n (%)Mean (SD; min to max)Mean (SD; min to max)Mean (range)n (%)Median (IQR)
(1) No children80 (24)74 (93)28.2 (9.7; 13 to 58)42 (52)8.0 (3.75 to 15.0)
(2) Children only before onset of MS170 (52)143 (84)37.8 (8.6; 21 to 68)25.1 (4.4; 16 to 40)1.8 (1 to 4)100 (59)10.0 (6.0 to 14.0)
(3) Children only after onset of MS61 (18)60 (98)22.2 (4.4; 9 to 34)28.0 (4.8; 19 to 43)1.6 (1 to 4)31 (51)21.0 (14.0 to 27.0)
(4) Children before and after onset of MS19 (6)18 (95)28.2 (3.5; 22 to 35)25.3 (4.0; 19 to 31)2.8 (2 to 5)7 (37)21 (12.0 to 28.0)