Table 4

This table shows the baseline characteristics of the three main cognitive categories of ALS patients without dementia

Executive dysfunctionNECINo abnormality detected
Mean (SD)nMean (SD)nMean (SD)np value
Age at symptom onset65.2 (9.3)3461.5 (5.8)2359.3 (10.0)750.011
ALSFRS-R at baseline36.2 (6.5)3437.9 (6.8)2338.9 (6.9)750.253
Oxygen levels at time of assessment96.7 (1.7)3397.3 (1.3)2397.1 (1.5)700.335
Carbon dioxide levels at time of assessment5.4 (0.8)335.4 (0.9)235.1 (0.8)700.161
Education (years)10.9 (3.0)3410.3 (3.4)2313.4 (3.0)75<0.0001
Premorbid full scale IQ91.9 (12.5)2792.3 (12.7)16106.2 (8.0)57<0.0001
Males58.8% (–)3478.3% (–)2356.0% (–)750.138
Bulbar onset32.4% (–)3430.4% (–)2336.0% (–)750.885
Median disease duration14.0 (–)3417.0 (–)2314.0 (–)750.406
Median disease progression0.7 (–)340.5 (–)230.5 (–)750.013
  • Disease duration, time from symptom onset to assessment; disease progression, estimated using decline in ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) score since symptom onset (48-ALSFRS-R/disease duration).

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; NECI, non-executive cognitive impairment.