Table 1

Comparison of three criteria

FeaturesToronto criteriaMayo criteriaCambridge criteria
Temporal profile and treatment response
 Insidious onset01+0
 Asymmetrical onset001+
 Chronic progressive course01+0
 Insidious onset and chronic progression001−
 Sustained levodopa responseEx00
Motor features
 Focal rigidity010
 Asymmetrical rigidity110
 Akinetic rigid syndrome001+
 Focal dystonia100
 Reflex focal myoclonus110
 Focal or asymmetrical myoclonus010
 Rest tremorEx00
Cortical sensory motor symptoms
 Asymmetric/focal apraxia010
 Number processing deficit001
 Cortical sensory loss111
 Alien limb111
 Visual or sensory hemineglect010
Cognitive symptoms
 Early dementiaEx00
 Frontal dysfunction01−1+
 Visuospatial deficit001
 Apraxia of speech/nonfluent aphasia011
Exclusion features
 Early vertical gaze palsyEx00
 Severe autonomic disturbanceEx00
 Imaging of other pathologyEx00
 Imaging features01−*0
 No identifiable cause01+0
  • 0, not required or not relevant; 1, required; 1+, essential criteria in Mayo criteria and Cambridge criteria. In Cambridge criteria, three out of four essential criteria are needed for diagnosis. 1−, supportive criteria; Ex, exclusion criteria.

  • * Mayo criteria include imaging features as supportive feature.