Table 1

List of drugs that excluded participation in study

AdministrationClassDrugExclusion period
OralDopaminergic central nervous system (CNS) stimulantsCocaine, amphetamine, modafinil, methylamphetamine, mazindol, methylphenidate, dexamphetamine7 days before scan
Dopaminergic CNS stimulantsPhentermine, bupropion, amfebutamone14 days before scan
AnticholinergicBenzatropine5 days before scan
IntravenousAnticholinergicHyoscine/scopolamine5 days before scan
SympathomimeticsPhenylephrine, norepinephrine1 day before scan
AnaestheticsKetamine1 day before scan
Opioid analgesicsPethidine1 day before scan
InhalationAnaestheticsIsoflurane1 day before scan