Table 3

Distribution of at risk genotypes and alleles according to clinical and angio-architectural features in patients with brain arteriovenous malformations

Dominant modelp ValueRecessive modelp ValueTrend modelp Value
TT+CT vs CC (n (%))TT vs CT+CC (n (%))T vs C
Nidus diameter ≥4 cm (n=32)30 (93.7)0.4824 (75.0)0.0154 vs 100.02
Deep venous drainage (n=31)31 (100.0)0.0219 (61.2)0.2450 vs 120.058
Spetzler–Martin ≥3 (n=39)35 (89.7)0.0923 (58.9)0.0658 vs 200.01
Bleeding (n=38)36 (94.7)0.0722 (57.8)0.1158 vs 180.02
Seizures (n=23)20 (86.9)0.0214 (60.8)0.0234 vs 12<0.001