Table 3

Outcomes of ventilated TBI patients admitted to the ICU by exposure groups

Outcomes of patientsTotalHypoxiaNormoxiaHyperoxia§
Case fatality (in-hospital), No. (%)400 (33)224 (40)90 (23)80 (32)*
 95% CI(30 to 36)36 to 44(19 to 27)26 to 38
 Independent, No. (%)205 (17)71 (13)89 (22)51 (20)**
  95% CI(15 to 19)(10 to 16)18 to 2616 to 24
Overall hospital LOS, median (IQR)9 (3–17)7 (2–17)10 (4–17)6 (2–16)***
  • *p=.013 for comparison between normoxia and hyperoxia; p<.0001 for comparison between hypoxia and normoxia; and p=0.03 for comparison between hypoxia and hyperoxia.

  • **p=0.6 for comparison between normoxia and hyperoxia; p= .01 between hypoxia and hyperoxia; and p= .0003 for comparison between hypoxia and normoxia.

  • ***p=0.006 Wilcoxon-Kruskal-Wallis test, all pairs significantly different except for hyperoxia vs. normoxia (Wilcoxon method).

  • §Defined as arterial PaO2≥300 mm  Hg (39.99 kPa).

  • ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; TBI, traumatic brain injury.