Table 1

Clinical and demographic features of RR and SP patients

CharacteristicsRR MSSP MSp Value
Women, n (%)208 (76.5)346 (64.8)<0.001*
Men, n (%)64 (23.5)188 (35.2)
F/M ratio3.31.8
Age at onset (years), mean (SD)26.8 (8.13)29.4 (9.22)<0.001†
Disease duration (years), mean (SD)20.3 (9.18)26.5 (10.0)<0.001†
Monosymptomatic onset, n (%)173 (63.6)362 (67.8)0.19*
Polysymptomatic onset, n (%)97 (35.7)165 (30.9)
Information not available, n (%)2 (0.7)7 (1.3)
Type of initial presentation, n (%)
 Motor40 (14.7)105 (19.7)0.08*
 Sensory159 (58.5)279 (52.2)0.09*
 Cerebellar16 (5.9)35 (6.6)0.71*
 Brainstem59 (21.7)108 (20.2)0.63*
 Optic56 (20.6)118 (22.1)0.62*
 Bowel/bladder9 (3.3)16 (3.0)0.81*
Relapse rate in year 1–2 (attacks/year), mean (median)0.97 (0.75)0.91 (0.5)0.18†
Relapse rate in RR phase (attacks/year), mean (median)0.65 (0.40)
Duration of RR phase (years), mean (median)10.7 (9)
DSS score at onset of SP, mean (median)2.9 (3)
Kaplan–Meier estimated mean (median) time (years) from disease onset to
 DSS 615.7 (14)
 DSS 826.5 (24)
 DSS 1044.8 (45)
Kaplan–Meier estimated mean (median) time (years) from OPP to
 DSS 65.3 (3)
 DSS 815.2 (12)
 DSS 1032.5 (30)
  • 2 test; †Wilcoxon rank test.

  • DSS, Disability Status Scale; MS, multiple sclerosis; OPP, onset of progressive phase; RR, relapsing remitting; SP, secondary progressive.