Table 1

Characteristics of the 527 consecutive stroke patients (first cohort)

Age, y, mean (range)72 (29–96)
Male sex, n (%)288 (55)
NIHSS at first screening, median (range)5 (0–36)
Haemorrhage, n (%)57 (11)
 Left sided31 (54)
TACI, n (%)43 (8)
 Left sided31 (72)
PACI, n (%)184 (35)
 Left sided122 (66)
LACI, n (%)156 (30)
 Left sided88 (56)
POCI, n (%)87 (16)
IQCODE > 50, n (%)78 (15)
  • IQCODE, Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly; LACI, lacunar infarction; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; PACI, partial anterior circulation infarction; POCI, posterior circulation infarction; TACI, total anterior circulation infarction.