Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the cohort of ventilated TBI patients upon admission to the ICU

CharacteristicsWith ABGs
Total (N=1212)Hypoxia (N=553)Normoxia (N=403)Hyperoxia (N=256)
Age, Md (IQR)41 (25–58)43 (25–64)39 (24–56)40 (25–57)
Female sex, N (%)955 (79)452 (81)307 (76)206 (80)
Race White, N (%)967 (82)460 (86)310 (78)202 (80)
Pre-admission functional status*
 Independent1125 (94)515 (94)374 (94)244 (96)
 Partially dependent35 (3)16 (3)13 (3)5 (1)
 Fully dependent33 (3)19 (3)9 (2)4 (2)
DNR status (N/%)
 DNR/no CPR/limited intervention13 (1)7 (2)3 (<1)3 (<1)
 ED boarder41 (3)14 (4)16 (4)11 (2)
Hospital size, N (%)
 Extra-large695 (57)314 (56)235 (58)162 (63)
 Large458 (38)214 (38)153 (38)79 (31)
 Small to medium59 (5)12 (3)15 (4)32 (7)
Hospital location, N (%)
 Urban875 (72)392 (70)282 (70)190 (74)
 Suburban142 (12)64 (11)48 (12)31 (12)
 Rural201 (17)101 (18)73 (18)35 (14)
Hospital type, N (%)
 Academic622 (51)293 (53)202 (50)112 (44)
 Community non-academic460 (38)205 (37)160 (40)98 (38)
 Public130 (11)59 (11)41 (10)46 (18)
Glasgow Coma Scale, N (%)
 GCS <8695 (57)337 (61)214 (53)144 (56)
 GCS 8–12274 (23)117 (21)104 (26)60 (23)
 GCS >12243 (20)103 (18)85 (21)52 (20)
 Median (IQR)7 (3–12)6 (3–11)7 (5–12)7 (3–11)
Comorbidities, N (%)†
 Cardiovascular disease7 (<1)1 (<1)1 (<1)5 (1)
 Pulmonary disease8 (<1)4 (1)2 (<1)2 (<1)
 Renal disease9 (<1)3 (<1)4 (1)2 (<1)
 Chronic liver disease4 (<1)0 (0)1 (<1)3 (<1)
 Chronic HIV infection1 (<1)0 (0)0 (0)1 (<1)
 Cancer2 (<1)0 (0)2 (<1)0 (0)
Organ dysfunction, N (%)
 Cardiovascular326 (27)178 (32)72 (18)179 (39)
 Metabolic (lactic acidosis)98 (8)53 (9)23 (6)17 (6)
 Respiratory453 (38)267 (48)99 (26)78 (30)
 Renal50 (4)14 (4)6 (1)30 (6)
 Haematological180 (15)48 (14)33 (8)99 (21)
 Hepatic31 (3)10 (3)7 (2)14 (3)
 Neurological22 (2)15 (3)2 (<1)7 (3)
ICP monitor (N=1206), N (%)494 (41)228 (41)162 (40)103 (41)
  • Data presented as N (%), mean (SD) or median (IQR).

  • *Defined as independent (the patient is living at home requiring no assistance in completing the activities of daily living, which includes people who are homeless, or who are incarcerated, but otherwise physically and mentally functional); partially dependent (the patient is living at home, in a group home or in a care facility and requires some assistance in completing the activities of daily living and the limitation(s) requiring assistance may be physical or mental); and fully dependent (the patient is living at home or in a care facility and is unable to perform the activities of daily living; must be cared for by other(s); the limitations requiring assistance may be physical or mental).

  • †Cardiovascular disease (defined as baseline symptoms such as angina or shortness of breath at rest or on minimal exertion, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV, plus one or more of the following diagnoses: severe coronary artery disease, severe valvular heart or severe cardiomyopathy), respiratory disease (defined as chronic obstructive, restrictive or vascular pulmonary disease resulting in severe exercise restriction, such as unable to climb stairs or perform household duties; or respirator dependency related to active respiratory disease; or documented chronic hypoxia, hypercapnia or pulmonary hypertension >40 mm Hg), cirrhosis, chronic renal disease or end-stage renal disease, HIV status and cancer.

  • AIS, ischaemic stroke; CPR, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation; DNR, do not resuscitate; ED, emergency department; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage; ICP, intracranial pressure; ICU, intensive care unit; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage; TBI, traumatic brain injury.