Table 2

Test characteristics of the MRI criteria include the 2007 and 2012 IPMSSG consensus definitions when applied to distinguish MS from other acquired demyelinating syndromes (ADS) of the CNS

First MRI
2007 DIS
First MRI
2007 DIS
First MRI
2012 DIS
First MRI
2012 DIT
First MRI
2012 DIS+DIT
First and second MRI
2007 DIS+DIT
First and second MRI
2012 DIS+DIT
McDonald 2001 criteria (at least three out of four)
▸ ≥9 lesions on T2-weighted images or one gadolinium-enhancing lesion
▸ ≥3 Periventricular lesions
▸ ≥1 Juxtacortical lesion
▸ ≥1 Infrantentorial lesion
▸ Abnormal CSF
▸ Two lesions on the MRI of which one must be in the brain*
McDonald 2010 criteria (at least two out of four)
▸ ≥1 Spinal cord
▸ ≥1 Periventricular
▸ ≥1 Juxtacortical lesion
▸ ≥1 Infrantentorial lesion
McDonald 2010 criteria
▸ Simultaneous presence of asymptomatic gadolinium-enhancing and non-enhancing lesions
▸ Excluding children ≤12 years old†
McDonald 2010 for DIS and DIT at baseline
▸ Excluding children ≤12 years old†
McDonald 2001 DIT
▸ New T2- or gadolinium-enhancing lesion(s) more than 3 months after onset on follow-up MRI
▸ Excluding children ≤10 years old‡
McDonald 2010 DIT
▸ New T2 and/or gadolinium-enhancing lesion(s) on follow-up MRI, with reference to a baseline scan irrespective of the timing of the baseline scan
▸ Simultaneous presence of asymptomatic gadolinium-enhancing and non-enhancing lesions at any time§
Sensitivity (%)70759363586879
Specificity (%)968977100100100100
PPV (%)918171100100100100
NPV (%)83859582807188
Accuracy (%)86848386858292
  • In this table, test characteristics are presented with CDMS as endpoint using first and second MRI.

  • *Calculated for patients when CSF was performed (n=73).

  • †Calculated for children who had a first MRI with gadolinium (n=65).

  • ‡Calculated for children who had a second MRI following 3 months after onset (n=39).

  • §Calculated for children who had their first MRI with gadolinium and/or had second MRI, excluding children ≤12 years old for DIT 2010 at baseline (n=73).

  • CDMS, clinical definite multiple sclerosis; CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DIS, dissemination in space; DIT, dissemination in time; IPMSSG, International Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group; MS, multiple sclerosis; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.