Table 3

Associations between structural damage in a single pathway and global brain model

MSON (N=38)
 GCC0.58 (0.205)−0.76 (0.145)0.52 (0.019)0.34 (0.155)0.01 (0.963)0.36 (0.109)0.45 (0.053)
 pRNFL0.52 (0.180)−1.01 (0.043)0.34 (0.079)0.11 (0.606)−0.27 (0.221)0.24 (0.242)0.33 (0.122)
MSNON (N=103)
 GCC0.72 (0.001)−0.46 (0.110)0.14 (0.245)0.15 (0.217)−0.05 (0.657)0.40 (<0.001)0.42 (<0.001)
 pRNFL0.42 (0.064)−0.11 (0.715)0.10 (0.414)0.14 (0.228)−0.02 (0.870)0.30 (0.005)0.27 (0.019)
HCs (N=62)
 GCC0.21 (0.092)−0.22 (0.087)0.13 (0.316)0.14 (0.283)0.18 (0.167)0.06 (0.640)−0.03 (0.829)
 pRNFL0.10 (0.485)−0.03 (0.859)0.06 (0.663)0.11 (0.432)0.06 (0.667)0.01 (0.965)−0.06 (0.694)
  • In patients with MSON, retinal layer thickness was weakly associated with damage in the OR. The substantial axonal loss from MSON was related to a significant degree of localised atrophy of V1, to a lesser extent also V2, but not V5. Besides, GCC and pRNFL were positively associated with NWMV and NGMV, but associations were not statistically significant. In patients with MSNON, a significant relationship was demonstrated between atrophy of the pRNFL and GCC, damaged OR and also with NWMV and NGMV, all statistically significant. In HCs, no significant associations were demonstrated. Values reported as standardised ß (p value).

  • *Additionally adjusted for OR lesion volume in MSON and MSNON groups.

  • FA, fractional anisotropy; GCC, ganglion cell complex; HC, lateral nucleus; MD, mean diffusivity; NGMV, normalised grey matter volume; NWMV, normalised white matter volume; OR, optic radiation; pRNFL; peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer.