Table 1

Clinical findings in family members with the KIF5A mutation

Age at examination7758544943403128252119
Age at onset* 5549513936322618211612
Disease duration (years)22931078510457
Disability stage† 22232334333
SPRS‡ 1416162118252638262528
LL pyramidal weakness+++++++++++++++++
LL hyper-reflexia++++++++++++++++++
LL spasticity+++++++++++++++
Babinski reflex+/++/++/++/++/++/++/++/++/++/++/+
Pes cavus +
Sensory deficits++++
VV stage§ (affected or worst side)C2 C2 C4a C2 C2 C6 C4b C4a C3 C3 C2
Bilateral DD+++++++++++
DD stage¶ (worst side)112N1332433
Sphincter disturbances+++++++
  • *Age at onset was calculated approximately as the time when difficulty in walking first appeared in the affected individuals.

  • †Disability stages: 1, no mobility problems or slight stiffness of the legs; 2, moderate gait stiffness; 3, problems running, but able to walk alone; 4, problems walking; 5, wheelchair user.

  • ‡SPRS, Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale.2

  • §Clinical section from CEAP classification of chronic venous disease4: C0, no visible or palpable signs of venous disease; C1, telangiectasies or reticular veins; C2, varicose veins; C3, oedema; C4a, pigmentation or eczema; C4b, lipodermatosclerosis or atrophie blanche; C5, healed venous ulcer; C6, active venous ulcer.

  • ¶Tubiana classification5: 0, no lesion; N, palmar nodule without the presence of contracture; 1, TFD between 0° and 45°; 2, TFD between 45° and 90°; 3, TFD between 90° and 135°; 4, TFD greater than 135°.

  • + and −, indicate the presence and absence of a feature, respectively; DD, Dupuytren's disease; F, female; L, left leg; LL, lower limbs; M, male; R, right leg; TFD, total flexion deformity; VV, varicose veins.