Table 2

Duration of non-driving required for a private motor vehicle following first seizure (subdivided according to aetiology) using varying acceptable risks of seizure recurrence

 Time needed off the road (months) for conditional rate of seizure recurrence to fall to:
1.7% per month2.5% per month3.1% per month
Equivalent monthly risk of a seizure while driving*0.69 per 1000 (1 in 1442)1.04 per 1000 (1 in 964)1.3 per 1000 (1 in 771)
Equivalent ARR†ARR 2.0ARR 2.6ARR 3.0
All patients (months)875
Unprovoked all (months)1387
 Remote symptomatic17107
Provoked (months)654
  • *Calculated by multiplying chance of a seizure by the proportion of time spent driving (the above results are for an average driving time of 1 h/day).

  • †For a driving time of 1 h/day; a 60% chance of a seizure behind the wheel causing an accident, 3% fatal; and overall community fatal accident per driver/year of 1 in 7000.

  • ARR, accident risk ratio.