Table 3

Numbers of patients and adjusted (for SSV) ORs for outcome of survival post admission (cumulative) according to type of care

Survival post admission (days)General ward
n=7816 (%)
Stroke unit
n=32 459 (%)
Adjusted OR for stay in stroke unit*95% CI
77364 (94.2)31 635 (97.5)3.112.71 to 3.56
306621 (84.7)29 258 (90.4)2.222.03 to 2.43
606319 (80.9)28 004 (86.3)1.941.79 to 2.10
906166 (78.9)27 202 (83.8)1.761.63 to 1.90
3655535 (70.8)24 137 (74.4)1.431.34 to 1.54
  • *Adjusted for age in years, living alone, independent in activities of daily living, able to lift both arms, able to walk and able to talk at admission.

  • SSV, six simple variables.