Table 4

Summary statistics for the 21 comparisons in this meta-analysis

StudyRetention periodOutcome measureRx/Ctrl (N)ES=SMD95% CIRelative weight
Bolognini et al184 weeksTotal latency score in JHFT (atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during CIMT at retention: Rx vs atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during CIMT at retention: Ctrl)7/70.16−0.891.212.98
Celnik et al196 daysMean improvements of correct key press (PNS+atDCS on iH before motor practise at retention: Rx vs PNS+sham before motor practise at retention: Ctrl)9/90.18−0.480.846.28
Di Lazzaro et al2512 weeksNIHSS (atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during CIMT at retention: Rx vs sham during CIMT at retention: Ctrl)10/100.36−0.521.243.99
Fusco et al204 weeksFilling speed in 9HPT (ctDCS on cH before inpatient daily rehabilitation at retention: Rx vs sham before inpatient daily rehabilitation at retention: Ctrl)5/60.08−
Geroin et al212 weeksSix-minute walking test (m) (atDCS on iH during robot-assisted gait training at retention: Rx vs sham during robot-assisted gait training at retention: Ctrl)10/100.38−0.501.273.98
Hesse et al2212 weeksFMA (atDCS on iH during bilateral arm robot training at retention: Rx vs sham during bilateral arm robot training at retention: Ctrl)28/280.04−0.480.568.53
FMA (ctDCS on cH during bilateral arm robot training at retention: Rx vs sham during bilateral arm robot training at retention: Ctrl)29/280.06−0.460.588.62
Khedr et al2312 weeksNIHSS (atDCS on iH before motor training at retention: Rx vs sham before motor training at retention: Ctrl)14/131.590.732.464.12
NIHSS (ctDCS on cH before motor training at retention: Rx vs sham before motor training at retention: Ctrl)13/
Kim et al2424 weeksFMA (atDCS on iH during OT at retention: Rx vs sham during OT at retention: Ctrl)6/71.05−
FMA (ctDCS on cH during OT at retention: Rx vs sham during OT at retention: Ctrl)5/71.390.112.662.11
Lefebvre et al261 weekLearning index in motor skill learning task (atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during motor skill learning task at retention: Rx vs baseline: Ctrl)18/180.930.381.497.95
Lefebvre et al271 weekLearning index in motor skill learning task (atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during motor skill learning task at retention: Rx vs baseline: Ctrl)19/190.820.301.348.62
Lindenberg et al281 weekFMA (atDCS on iH+ctDCS on cH during PT+OT at retention: Rx vs sham during PT+OT at retention: Ctrl)10/100.29−0.591.174.00
Mortensen et al331 weekScore in JHFT (atDCS on iH during OT at retention: Rx vs sham during OT at retention: Ctrl)8/70.61−0.431.653.04
Nair et al291 week3J-ROM (ctDCS on cH during OT at retention: Rx vs sham during OT at retention: Ctrl)7/71.430.252.602.45
Rocha et al344 weeksFMA (atDCS on iH before mCIMT at retention: Rx vs sham before mCIMT at retention: Ctrl)7/70.94−
FMA (ctDCS on cH before mCIMT at retention: Rx vs sham before mCIMT at retention: Ctrl)7/70.24−0.811.292.97
Sattler et al324 weeksTime in JHFT (rPNS+atDCS on iH before OT at retention: Rx vs rPNS+sham before OT at retention: Ctrl)10/100.65−0.251.553.87
Wu et al304 weeksMAS: elbow (ctDCS on iH before PT at retention: Rx vs sham before PT at retention: Ctrl)45/450.720.291.1410.78
Zimerman et al3112 weeksNumber of correct sequence (ctDCS on cH during motor sequence task at retention: Rx vs sham during motor sequence task at retention: Ctrl)5/50.53−0.401.473.62
ModelOverall weighted ESSEConfidence level (95%)Q StatisticI2T2Classic fail-safe N
Random0.590.100.40 to 0.7925.8922.750.04240
  • atDCS, anodal transcranial direct current stimulation; cH, contralesional hemisphere; CIMT, constraint-induced movement therapy; ctDCS, cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation; Ctrl, control; ES, effect size; FMA, Fugl-Myer Assessment; iH, ipsilesional hemisphere; JHFT, Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test; MAS, modified Ashworth scale; mCIMT, modified constraint-induced movement therapy; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; OT, occupational therapy; PNS, peripheral nerve stimulation; PT, physical therapy; rPNS, repetitive peripheral nerve stimulation; Rx, treatment group; SMD, standardised mean differences; 3J-ROM, range of motion for wrist extension, elbow extension and shoulder abduction; 9HPT, the Nine Hole Peg Test.