Table 1

Demographic characteristics of patients included in the survival analysis

NIVNo NIVp Value
Total sample219710
Age at disease onset, years58.3+11.564.0+11.9<0.001*
Gender, male157 (71.7)375 (52.8)<0.001†
Riluzole prescription164 (74.9)250 (35.2)<0.001†
PEG insertion129 (58.9)180 (25.3)<0.001†
 ALS-bulbar onset58 (18.6)254 (81.4) 
 ALS-cervical onset61 (25.4)179 (74.6)0.08†
 ALS-lumbar onset78 (26.5)216 (73.5) 
 Flail limb22 (26.5)61 (73.4) 
  • Data presented as mean+SD or number (percentage).

  • *Independent sample t test.

  • †χ2 Test.

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.