Table 2

SARA scores of the patient with ADCK3 S616Lfs mutation before and after 6 months of CoQ10 supplement

SARA scoreBefore treatmentAfter 6 months of treatment
(1) Gait43
(2) Stance43
(3) Sitting11
(4) Speech disturbance11
(5) Finger chase*21
(6) Nose-finger test*21
(7) Fast alternating hand movements*1.51.5
(8) Heel-shin slide*1.51.5
  • SARA (scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia) has eight items that yield a total score of 0 (no ataxia) to 40 (most severe ataxia): (1) Gait (score 0–8), (2) Stance (score 0–6), (3) Sitting: (score 0–4), (4) Speech disturbance (score 0–6), (5) finger chase (score 0–4), (6) nose-finger test (score 0–4), (7) fast alternating hand movements (score 0–4), (8) Heel-shin slide (score 0–4).

  • *Limb kinetic functions (items 5–8) are rated independently for both sides, and the arithmetic mean of both sides is included in the SARA total score.