Table 5

Mental health, persisting concussion symptoms and disability outcomes in ‘no’, ‘moderate’ (2–9) and ‘high’ (>9) repeat concussion subgroups

Repeat concussion
No (n=7)Moderate (n=27)High (n=18)p Value*
HADS depression†3.1 (3.3) [0, 9]2.6 (1.9) [0, 7]3.1 (1.7) [0, 6]0.630
HADS anxiety†3.7 (2.9) [1, 9]4.7 (2.6) [0, 10]5.4 (3.5) [1, 12]0.389
RPQ†0.3 (0.8) [0, 2]2.3 (5.5) [0, 19]9.6 (11.1) [0, 28]0.028‡
GOSE§<806 (22%)7 (39%)0.142¶
  • *Unadjusted linear regression model p value.

  • †Mean (SD) [range].

  • ‡Unadjusted Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test p value; linear model inappropriate due to non-normal distribution.

  • §n (%); note a score <8 indicates persisting effect of brain injury on daily life, but may not be disabling (see text).

  • ¶Unadjusted Fisher's exact test p value; logistic regression model not appropriate due to small numbers.

  • GOSE, Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; RPQ, Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire.