Table 3

Structural MRI findings in MS and other comorbid neuropsychiatric conditions

Study group Patient group MRI
Scanner, slices (mm), method
Psychometric instruments Disability status Findings
MSMS+comorbid psychiatric disorderHealthy
Ron and Logsdail (1989)83 11650/116
(adjustment D/O=22, depression=12 bipolar D/O=5, delusional D/O=4, atypical psychosis=3, anxiety D/O=2,
organic disorder=1)
40 HC
48 PD (11=arthritic condition, 37=neurological condition with no brain involvement)
(depression=5, adjustment D/O=3)
0.5 T superconducting system Scanner, 10 mm slices with 2 mm gap,
radiological evaluation of lesions
Elation correlated with widespread MRI abnormalities.
Pathology in temporo-parietal region correlated with flattened affect, delusions and thought disorder
Feinstein et al (1992)84 1010 (mania with psychosis)
0.5 T Picker Scanner, 5 mm slices,
radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=4.9Trends reported for greater total lesions in left trigone and areas surrounding the third ventricle in group with psychosis.
The psychosis group had a higher total lesion score and greater lesions in periventricular areas, predominantly around the temporal horn.
Neurological symptoms preceded onset of psychosis
No significant correlations were found between individual psychotic symptoms and site of MRI lesions
Feinstein et al (1992)131 19
(RR=12, CP=7)
3/35 individuals had comorbid psychiatric disorders
(1=psychosis, 2=euphoria)
300.5 T Picker Scanner, 5 mm slices
Radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=3.5No significant findings with quantitative lesion score and psychiatric status
Diaz-Olavarrieta et al (1999)124 4442/45 had symptoms on NPI
(dysphoria=79%, agitation=40%, anxiety=37%, apathy=20%, euphoria=13%, irritability=13%, hallucinations=10%)
(84% had no symptoms based on the NPI)
Gadolinium-enhanced MR images
Radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=3.3Only euphoria and hallucinations correlated with the severity of demyelination
Benedict et al (2004)123 37
(RR=30, SP=7)
31/37 had NPI administered1.5 T Philips Gyroscan Scanner, 5 mm slicesNPIMean EDSS=2.5Euphoria, depression and agitation were correlated with lesion volume, and euphoria was correlated with global brain atrophy; however, these correlations were non-significant when cognitive function was controlled for
Ghaffar et al (2008)112 14
(RR=7, SP=5, PP=2)
(RR=3, SP=7, PP=4)
1.5 T Sigma Systems, GE Scanner, 1.2–1.4 mm slices, lesion analysis, measurement of GM, WM, CSFMean EDSS in PBA=6.0 and in MS alone=4.6 (p=0.08)Increased brain lesions in the brainstem, left inferior parietal lobe, and left and right medial and inferior frontal lobes.
No difference in brain atrophy between the groups.
  • BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CIL, clinically isolated lesions; CIS, Clinical Interview Schedule; CP, chronic progressive; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; D/O, disorder; EDSS, Expanded Disability Scale; GM, grey matter; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HC, healthy controls; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; MADRS, Montgomery and Asberg Depression Scale; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MS, multiple sclerosis; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; PBA, pseudobulbar affect; PSE, Present State Examination; RR, relapse remitting; SAS, Zung Self-rated Anxiety Scale; SDS, Zung Self-rated Depression Scale; SSSI, Social Stress and Support Interview; WM, white matter.