Table 1

Clinical phenotypes according to anti-MAG antibody titre and EDX features

Findings, n (%)Patients
Anti-MAG titre<10 000 BTU (n=22)Anti-MAG titre≥10 000 BTU (n=180)Non-definite demyelinating neuropathy (n=32)
Typical’ clinical phenotype168 (83.2)21 (95.5)147 (81.7)27
 Sensory ataxic distal PNP51 (25.2)6 (27.3)45 (25)8(5*, 2†, 1‡)
 Sensory ataxic distal PNP with tremor31 (15.3)4 (18.2)27 (15)1*
 Sensory ataxic distal PNP with progressive distal motor deficit53 (26.2)5 (22.7)48 (26.7)10*
 ‘Variant’ clinical phenotype
 Non-ataxic sensory PNP20 (9.9)2 (9)18 (10)4 (2*, 1†, 1§)
 Asymptomatic/paucisymptomatic sensory PNP11 (5.4)0+4 (18.2)3+4 (3.9)3(1*, 1†, 1‡)
 Non-ataxic sensorimotor PNP2 (1) 02 (1.1)1(1*)
‘Atypical’ clinical phenotype34 (16.8)1 (0.5)33 (18.3)5
 Chronic sensorimotor PRN22 (10.9) 121 (11.7)4(2¶, 1*, 1†)
 Asymmetric and/or multifocal NP6 (3) 06 (3.3)0
 Acute sensory/sensorimotor PRN4 (2) 04 (2.2)0
 Suggestive of small fibre NP1 (0.5) 01 (0.6)1**
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and sensory PNP1 (0.5) 01 (0.6)0
  • Statistical analysis did not show significant difference between the two clinical groups according to anti-MAG antibody titres.

  • EDX features

  • *Abolished or extremely reduced CMAPs in LL and prolonged distal median motor latencies.

  • †Axonal sensorimotor neuropathy pattern.

  • ‡Normal or nearly normal conduction parameters.

  • §Purely prolonged distal median motor latencies with reduced SNAPs.

  • ¶Abolished CMAP in all limb nerves.

  • **Purely prolonged distal median motor latencies with normal SNAPs in LL.

  • BTU, Bühlmann Titre Units; CMAP, compound muscle action potential; EDX, electrodiagnostic; LL, lower limbs; MAG, myelin-associated glycoprotein; NP, neuropathy; PNP, polyneuropathy; PRN, polyradiculoneuropathy; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential.