Table 1

Differences in characteristics of present status in patients classified by oral PSL dosing regimen

High-dose group (n=237)Intermediate-dose group (n=187)Low-dose group (n=166)P value
 Gender (% women)63.368.671.90.32
 Age (years), range57.1±15.4 (18–88)56.4±16.0 (16–90)59.6±16.7 (19–91)0.16
 Age of onset (years), range42.3±16.8 (0.9–76)*46.4±16.9 (1–77)*51.1±19.4 (0–89)*<0.0001*
 Disease duration (years), range15.0±10.0 (1–60)*10.1±8.9 (0.1–47.4)8.9±9.1 (0.3–55)<0.0001*
Antibody status
 AChRAb-positive (%)88.786.276.0†0.002†
 MuSKAb-positive (%)
Thymus status
 Thymectomy (%)83.1†65.8†36.1†<0.0001†
 Thymoma (%)29.1†38.5†22.9†0.006†
Postintervention status
 MM or better (%)52.950.356.7NS
 I or worse (%)47.049.841.4NS
Current treatment
 Daily dose of PSL (mg), range4.5±5.1 (0–40)7.1±5.8 (0–30)*4.8±3.2 (0–15)<0.0001*
 Combination of CNIs (%)65.169.665.90.59
 Daily dose of tacrolimus (mg), range1.8±1.4 (0–5)2.1±1.2 (0–4)2.2±1.1 (0–3)0.09
 Daily dose of pyridostigmine (mg), range58.2±79.4 (0–360)*80.7±77.7 (0–240)*72.5±77.1 (0–240)0.003*
  • *Significant difference detected by one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramer test.

  • †Pearson’s Χ2 test.

  • AChRAb, acetylcholine receptor antibody; ANOVA, analysis of variance; CNIs, calcineurin inhibitors; I, improved; MM, minimal manifestations; MuSKAb, muscle-specific kinase antibody; NS, not significant; PSL, prednisolone.