Study | Country | Study design | Powered | Comparator | Sample size (n) | Study attrition (%) | Outcome measures (others) | Data collection |
Mills and& Allen et al 31 | Wales (UK) | RCT | No | TAU | n=24 | 33% | POMS, Standing balance, Symptom rating questionnaire | Baseline, post, 3 months follow-up |
Grossman et al 30 | Switzerland | RCT | Yes | TAU | n=150 | 5% | CES-D, STAI, MFIS, HAQUAMS, PQOLC, (Neuropsychology assessment, goal attainment) | Baseline, post, 6 months follow-up |
Bogosian et al 28 | England (UK) | RCT | No | TAU | n=40 | 5% | GHQ, HADS, MSIS, FSS | Baseline, post, 3 months follow-up |
Kolahkaj and Zargar29 | Iran | RCT | Yes | TAU | n=48 | 17% | DASS-21 | Baseline, post, 2 months follow-up |
Amiri et al 25 | Iran | RCT | No | Unclear | n=40 | 0% | STAI, BDI-2, WCST | Baseline, post |
Mahdavi et al 26 | Iran | RCT | No | Unclear | n=24 | 0% | BAI, BDI-2, FSS, MWQ, TFI | Baseline, post |
Nejati et al 27 | Iran | RCT | Unclear | Unclear | n=24 | 0% | MSQOL-54, FSS | Baseline, post |
Bahrani et al 23 | Iran | RCT | Yes | TAU | n=56 | 16% | DASS-21 | Baseline, post |
Simpson et al 22 | Scotland (UK) | RCT | No | TAU | n=50 | 12% | PSS, EQ5D5L, MSQLI, MAAS, SCS-sf, ELQ | Baseline, post, 3 months follow-up |
Carletto et al 24 | Italy | RCT | Yes | Psycho-education intervention | n=90 | 21% | BDI-2, BAI, PSS, BIPQ, FAMS | Baseline, post-BAM, 6 months post-BAM |
Cavalera et al 32 | Italy | RCT | Yes | Psycho-education intervention | n=139 | 39% | MSQOL-54, HADS, MOSS, MFIS, | Baseline, post-, 6 months post MBI |
Senders et al 21 | USA | RCT | Yes | Educational control, matched for time and attention | n=62 | 16% | PSS, PROMIS, CD-RISC, PASAT | Baseline, mid-intervention, immediately post-, 4, 8 and 12 months post-MBI |
BAI, Beck anxiety inventory; BAM, body-affective mindfulness; BDI-2, Beck depression inventory-2; BIPQ, Brief illness perception questionnaire; CD-RISC, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale; CES-D, Center for epidemiological studies depression scale; DASS-21, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21; ELQ, Emotional lability questionnaire; EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol; FAMS, Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis; FSS, Fatigue severity scale; GHQ, General health questionnaire; HADS, Hospital anxiety and depression scale; HAQUAMS, Hamburg quality of life questionnaire in multiple sclerosis (German); MAAS, Mindful attention awareness scale; MFIS, Modified fatigue impact scale; MOSS, Medical Outcomes Sleep Scale; MSIS, Multiple sclerosis impact scale; MSQLI, Multiple sclerosis quality of life inventory; MSQOL-54, Multiple sclerosis quality of life – 54; MWQ, Meta worry questionnaire; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Attention Task; POMS, Profile of mood states; PQOLC, Profile of health related quality of life in chronic disorders (German); PROMIS, Patient-Reported Outcomes Information System; PSS, Perceived stress scale; RCT, Randomised controlled trial; SCS-sf, Self-compassion scale-short form; STAI, Spielberger trait anxiety inventory; TAU, Treatment as usual; TFI, Thought fusion inventory; WCST, Wisconsin card sorting test.