Table 2

Description of progression of clinical features after 6 years of follow-up in the three groups of subjects

Cognitive impairment (MoCA <26)2 (12.5%)1 (6.3%)5 (16.1%)
Hyposmia (UPSIT cut-off ≤23)1 (6.3%)3 (19%)4 (12.9%)
Depression (BDI cut-off10)1 (6.3%)8 (25.8%)
RBDs (RBDsq5)1 (8.3%)2 (13.3%)4 (18.2%)
Global bradykinesia (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)4 (12.9%)
Resting tremor (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)2 (6.5%)
Abnormal posture (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)3 (18.9%)3 (19%)8 (25.8%)
Postural instability (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)1 (6.3%)4 (25%)6 (19.4%)
Action tremor (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)2 (12.5%)1 (6.3%)10 (32.3%)
Postural tremor (MDS-UPDRS part III subscore ≥1)3 (18.9%)1 (6.3%)4 (12.9%)
Clinically defined PD1 (3.2%)
  • Data are presented as number of cases and percentage of all subjects within group. Cut-off references are reported in the Materials and methods section.

  • BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; Het GBA, heterozygous GBA1 mutation carriers; MDS-UPRS, Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; PD, Parkinson disease; RBD, REM sleep behaviour disorder; UPSIT, University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test.