Table 1

Study characteristics of included studies

AuthorYearStudy typeTreatmentSample size (S/EV)Follow-up*, median (range)Initial failure (S/EV)Late recurrence
Complications: endovascular
Adrianto et al 28 2016rCSS, EV5/4372/1NR/NRNRNR
Andres et al 29 2008rCSS, EV4/17120/4NR/NR00
Cenzato et al 30 2012rCSS, EV55/10360/3NR/NR00
Chibbaro et al 13 2015rCSS, EV30/120NR0/20/60NR
Cho et al 31 2013rCSS, EV5/23200/20/2One CSF leakThree temporary thromboembolic symptoms (one Horners syndrome, one leg weakness, one flank pain), one temporary radiculomedullary artery spasm, one asymptomatic aortic arch dissection.
Clark et al 32 2013rCSS, EV8/15320/21/6NR0
Durnford et al 14 2017rCSS, EV11/22630/100/2One wound infection; one pseudomeningoceleTwo intercostal artery rupture with retroperitoneal haematoma; one DVT
Gemmete et al 16 2013rCSS, EV4/29NR0/30/20One transient neurological worsening due to penetration of embolic material deep into venous system, improved with heparin administration
Gokhale et al 33 2014rCSS, EV17/10240/00/3Two wound infectionsOne spinal cord infarction
Gross et al 27 2017rCSS, EV43/28160/14NR/NROne epidural haematoma; two wound infection; three CSF leakstwo radicular artery rupture; one transient worsened numbness; one lower extremity weakness
Hessler et al 34 2010rCSS, EV54/102240/212/6NRNR
Inagawa et al 35 2013rCSS, EV2/12(5-97)0/40/10One transient gait disturbance, 1 permanent gait disturbance
Jellema et al 2005rCSS, EV14/24(1-120)0/00/8NRNR
Kaufmann et al 22 2011rCSS, EV33/1NR3/0NR/NRNRNR
Kirsch et al 36 2013rCSS, EV17/61180/14NR/NROne transient radicular pain, one transient paraperesis, one CSF leakOne spinal cord infarction
Koch et al 1 2017rCSS, EV14/2090/70/0One surgery for symptomatic pseudomeningocele; One wound seromaTwo microcatheter ruptures
Lee et al 21 2016rCSS, EV5/32>24 months0/12NR/NROne pseudomeningocele0
Ma et al 24 2017pCSS, EV81/13120/30/1One surgical site infection0
Narvid et al 37 2008rCSS, EV24/39494/70/500
Ozkan et al 38 2015rCSS, EV25/534.82/20/0One epidural haematoma0
Park et al 39 2008rCSS, EV1/17(12-160)0/20/10One transient aortic intimal dissection
Qi et al 40 2014rCSS, EV40/12NR0/50/3One wound infection; one haematoma0
Rashad et al 41 2014rCSS, EV9/3(3-24)0/10/1NRNR
Ruiz-Juretschke et al 42 2011rCSS, EV10/9361/21/2One CSF fistula, one septic shock secondary to colon perforationOne spinal cord infarction
Sasamori et al 43 2016rCSS, EV19/3181.21/60/3One wound infection; one epidural haematoma; one subdural haematomaOne spinal cord infarct due to NBCA migration into posterior spinal artery; 1 aortic dissection; two extravascular dislocations of a guide wire during selective catheterisation.
Sherif et al 44 2008rCSS, EV7/19240/00/200
Shin et al 45 2015rCSS, EV6/9270/0NR/NR0One temporary cord ischaemia
Shinoyama et al 15 2010rCSS, EV17/3570/00/2NRNR
Sri et al 46 2015rCSS, EV2/36100/180/1NRNR
Takai et al 47 2013rCSS, EV23/4140/0NR/NROne CSF fistula, one wrong-level laminectomy, one idiopathic venous thrombosis leading to neurological worsening0
Yen et al 48 2014rCSS, EV2/1060/2NR/NR0One spinal cord infarction, one brainstem and cerebellar infarction due to non-target embolisation of the left vertebral artery
Zogopoulos et al 49 2016rCSS, EV3/1125.50/30/1One CSF leakOne transient lower extremity weakness
Blackburn et al 19 2014rCSEV203.432NANR
Chiu et al 7 2014rCSEV6NR0NRNAOne vessel rupture
Guillevin et al 20 2005rCSEV2637.705NANR
Su et al 50 2013rCSEV40>12160NATwo transient neurological deficits
Suh et al 51 2016rCSEV111820NANR
Tsuruta et al 52 2014rCSEV98110NRNA3 (details not reported)
Aghakhani et al 53 2008rCSS66000NA
Kim et al 54 2010rCSEV1215.97NRNA0
Cecchi et al 55 2008rCSS25>4800One extradural haematoma, one CSF fistulaNA
Chen et al 56 2016pCSS172400NRNA
Della et al 57 2016pCSS1218000NA
Dhandapani et al 58 2013rCSS22703NRNA
Hanel et al 59 2010rCSS6>1200NRNA
Fox et al 60 2017rCSS101200One radiation burn from pre-op spinal angiogram, one pseudomeningoceleNA
Jablawi et al 61 2018rCSS5352.710Two wound infections; one CSF leakNA
Marquardt et al 26 2009rCSS28>2400NRNA
Nagata et al 62 2006rCSS13>1200NRNA
Patel et al 18 2013rCSS7>12000NA
Ropper et al 3 2012rCSS101500One epidural haematomaNA
Safaee et al 63 2018rCSS411310NRNA
Saladino et al 64 2010rCSS154>248024 transient and permanent neurological deficits, two superficial wound infections, three DVTsNA
Schuette et al 65 2010rCSS12NR0NR0NA
Schuss et al 66 2015rCSS2950000NA
Wang et al 67 2013rCSS7(1-17)000NA
Wojciechowski et al 68 2017rCSS178401Two CSF leaks; one pneumonia; one epidural haematomaNA
  • *Months.

  • CSF, Cerebrospinal Fluid; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; E, endovascular; NA, not applicable; NBCA, n-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate; NR, not reported; S, surgical; rCS, retrospective case series.