Table 4

Summary of ANCOVA for the overall difference across Glasgow Outcome Scale—Extended categories adjusted for age, sex, and education level

MeasureNF(df1, df2)P value ηp 2
PAL total errors adjusted152516.41(5, 1 053 801)<0.00010.052
RAVLT total148914.74(5, 186 787)<0.00010.048
TMT A151021.44(5, 402 889)<0.00010.067
TMT B147320.71(5, 41 897)<0.00010.067
RTI decision time144317.28(5, 371 581)<0.00010.057
RTI movement time144311.94(5, 907 334)<0.00010.040
RVP A prime13509.79(5, 147 074)<0.00010.035
RVP latency135011.77(5, 163 509)<0.00010.042
AST total correct14679.12(5, 46 026)<0.00010.031
AST latency146712.06(5, 884 657)<0.00010.040
SWM between errors14646.49(5, 397 235)<0.00010.022
SOC problems solved14213.62(5, 182 029)0.00260.013
  • Statistics are based on pooling after multiple imputation of education level.

  • Notes: ηp 2=partial eta-squared.

  • AST, Attention Switching Task; PAL, Paired Associate Learning; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RTI, Choice Reaction Time; RVP, rapid visual processing; SOC, Stockings of Cambridge; SWM, Spatial Working Memory; TMT A, Trail Making Part A; TMT B, Trail Making Part B.