Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the studied population

P value
Female gender23 (53.5%)28 (62.2%)10 (45.4%)0.408
Kruskal-Wallis P value Comparison Dunn’s test P value
Age at inclusion (years)46.4±13.541.8±11.862.7±10.5 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.118
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
ALS-FRS39.5±1.339.5±1.933.4±7.7 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.827
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
MMSE29±1.228.5±1.417.8±8.4 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.183
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
MDRS142.1±1.8141.2±3.097.3±36.7 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.431
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
FAB17±1.217.2±0.99.7±5.3 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.583
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
Ekman faces test30.1±2.630.1±2.318±9.1 0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.694
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient 0.001
FBI0.9±1.81.5±2.728.5±15.2 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.387
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient <0.001
AES4.8±3.96.5±3.623.5±13.1 <0.001 Control vs presymptomatic0.095
Control vs patient <0.001
Presymptomatic vs patient 0.004
  • Values are expressed as mean±SD, or as number (%). Demographic characteristics were compared between groups using the χ2 test for gender and Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s test for numerical variables.

  • Statistically significant p values are in bold.

  • AES, Apathy Evaluation Scale; ALS-FRS, ALS Functional Rating Scale; FAB, Frontal Assessment Battery; FBI, Frontal Behavioral Inventory; MDRS, Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; MMSE, mini-mental state examination.