Table 4

Outcome at last follow-up and its association with underlying genetic abnormality and medication changes following the genetic diagnosis

Outcome at last follow-up (compared with before genetic diagnosis), n (%)Successful PM treatment tried and successful*, n (%)Treatment change prompted by the genetic diagnosis, but not directly related to known pathophysiological mechanisms, successful*, n (%)Genetic abnormality, n (%)ACMG classification >3,23 when applicable, n (%)
A.Improved, 98 (34)7 (70)16 (64)85 SNV (87%)
6 CNV (6%)
6 CI (6%)
one repeat expansion (1%)
56 (84%)
B.Stable, 177 (60)3 (30)8 (32)147 SNV (84%)
10 CNV (6%)
1 SNV+CNV (1%)
15 CI (9%)
two repeat expansion (1%)
121 (88%)
C.Worse, 18 (6)0 (0)1 (4)14 SNV (78%)
1 CNV (6%)
1 SNV+CNV (6%)
two repeat expansion (11%)
7 (64%)
  • *Successful treatment was defined as reduction >50% in seizure frequency.

  • ACMG, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics; CI, chromosomal imbalance; CNV, copy number variant; PM, precision medicine; SNV, single-nucleotide variant.