Abstract F21 Table 1

Correlations between scores on the LARS and the social cognitive and executive tasks for the total group of HD gene expansion carriers

Global LARS Score
Social cognitive tests
TASIT SI-M Total Score -0.14
Sincere Score -0.13
Simple Sarcasm Score -0.02
Paradoxical Sarcasm Score -0.07
EH Total Score -0.27 *
RMET Total Score -0.20
Executive tests
SDMT Total Score -0.33 *
TMT B (sec) 0.28*
Lexical Fluency Score -0.27 *
Semantic Fluency Score -0.35 *
Alternating Fluency Score -0.27 *
Stroop Test Incongruence Score (sec) 0.19
Brixton Test Score 0.19
  • Note: LARS; The Lille Apathy Rating Scale. TASIT; The Awareness of Social Inference test. SI-M; Social Inference Minimal. EH; Emotional Hexagon. RMET; Reading the Minds in the Eyes test. SDMT; Symbol Digit Modality Test. TMT B: Trail Making Test B. * Statistically significant (p < .05).