DMT | Live vaccines178,s180–s183 | Non-live vaccine | Gene-based vaccine s89,s182 | Timing of vaccine after DMT is stopped* | Timing of vaccine after DMT† | Timing of DMT after vaccine‡s183 | Immune response§ | |
mRNA | Vector | |||||||
HDMP | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | ≥1 months184 | Therapy stopped** | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | May be reduceds185 |
Interferon | Strict indication | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Anytimes186 | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Similars187 |
Glatiramer acetate | Strict indication | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Anytimes186 | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Similars188 |
Dimethyl fumarate | Strict indication | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Not specified | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Similars189 |
Teriflunomide | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | ≥6 monthss190†† | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Slightly reduced s191,s192 |
S1P modulators‡‡ | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | ≥2 monthss193 | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Reduceds194–s196 |
Natalizumab | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | ≥3 monthss186 | Anytime | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Similars197,s198 |
B cell-depleting agents§§ | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Specified¶¶ | ≥3–6 months*** | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Reduceds196,s199,s200 |
Alemtuzumab | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Not specifieds178,s201 | ≥3–6 months*** | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Reduceds202 |
Cladribine | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | Specified††† | Specified‡‡‡ | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | Similars196,s203 |
Mitoxantrone | Contraindicated | Yes | Yes | Yes¶ | ≥3 monthss204 | Not specified | ≥2–4 weeks‡ | May be reduceds178,s204 |
*Recommended timing of vaccination for live/attenuated vaccines after stopping DMT, with timing meant to avoid the risk of infection from the vaccine itself in immunocompromised individuals.
†Recommended timing of vaccination for non-live/gene-based vaccines with already established DMT (concerning cyclical therapies after last administration of DMT) to generate the most protective vaccine response possible.
‡Recommended timing of the start of a DMT/next dose of a DMT (especially concerning cyclical therapies) after completion of the vaccine to enable a protective vaccine response before the immune response is possibly affected by the DMT/next dose of DMT—at least 2 weeks for non-live/gene-based vaccines and at least 4 weeks for live/attenuated vaccines (here also for safety reasons).
§Data only for non-live vaccines available.
¶II Non-replicating viral vector vaccines.
**III After end of therapy or after dose reduction of prednisone equivalent <20 mg/day in adults.s184
††IV Washout option with active carbon or cholestyramine, regardless of the washout procedure chosen, a subsequent check of the plasma level by two separate tests at least 14 days apart, and a waiting period of 1.5 months between the first measurement of a plasma level below 0.02 mg/L and the live vaccination is required.s190
‡‡a Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulators including fingolimod, siponimod, ozanimod and ponesimod.
§§b Including rituximab, ocrelizumab and ofatumumab.
¶¶V At least 6 months for revaccination and 12 months for primary vaccination, if possibles184 respectively until B cell recovery.s178
***VI At least 3–6 months apart depending on regional recommendations.s94,s205–s207
†††VII Until white cell counts are within normal limits.s208
‡‡‡VIII Available limited data do not suggest that timing the vaccine in relation to your cladribine dosing is likely to make a significant difference in vaccine response.s94,s196,s203
DMT, disease-modifying therapy; HDMP, high-dose methylprednisolone; mRNA, messenger RNA.