Table 2

Characteristics of rituximab-treated patients before and after 2017

Rituximab-treated patients before 2017Rituximab-treated patients after 2017P value
Patients, n3918
Age at baseline, years, mean (SD)40.3 (16.3)44.9 (16.7)0.221
Age at diagnosis, years, mean (SD)38.1 (17.4)42.1 (19.9)0.442
Early onset MG, n (%)26 (66.7)13 (72.2)0.695
Late onset MG, n (%)13 (33.3)5 (27.8)0.695
Female patients, n (%)25 (64.1)14 (77.8)0.136
Disease duration, years, mean (SD)7.1 (5.6)9.4 (9.7)0.098
QMG score at baseline, mean (SD)11.5 (4.4)10.3 (6.4)0.438
MGFA status at maximum severity, n (%)
 I0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.119
 II12 (30.1)6 (33.3)
 III15 (38.4)7 (38.9)
 IV9 (23.1)5 (27.8)
 V4 (10.2)2 (11.1)
History of thymectomy, n (%)18 (46.1)10 (55.5)0.726
Confirmed thymoma, n (%)5 (12.8)3 (16.7)0.698
Total number of previous ISTs, median (minmum–maximum)2 (2–3)2 (2–3)0.331
Previous disease modifying therapy, n (%)
 Azathioprine36 (92.3)13 (72.2)0.093
 Mycophenolate20 (51.3)6 (33.3)0.174
 Methotrexate13 (33.3)11 (61.0)0.082
 Cyclosporine5 (12.8)2 (11.1)0.999
Cortisone at baseline, mg, mean (SD)9.8 (11.2)10.8 (12.1)0.841
Number of previous MC, median (minmum–maximum)1 (0–3)1 (0–2)0.865
  • Disease duration was defined as the time between symptom onset and baseline. Rituximab-treated patients included before 2017 were compared with rituximab-treated patients included after 2017 by two-sided Student’s t-test (*) or Fisher’s exact test (#). P values are given; significance cut-off was p<0.05.

  • IST, immunosuppressive therapy; MC, myasthenic crisis; MG, myasthenia gravis; MGFA, Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America; QMG, quantitative myasthenia gravis.