Table 2

Frequency of cognitive impairment classified according to the consensus criteria for the diagnosis of frontotemporal cognitive and behavioural syndromes in ALS9

ATXN2+ (n=25)ATXN2- (n=903)
Cognitively normal ALS10 (40%)483 (53.5%)
ALSbi72 (8%)
ALSci7 (28%)164 (18.2%)
ALScbi1 (4%)63 (7%)
ALS-FTD7 (28%)121 (13.4%)
  • In patients with ALS with ATXN2 PolyQ intermediate number of repeats ≥31 (ATXN2+) compared with patients with PolyQ ≤30 (ATXN2-). ALS-FTD was significantly more frequent in ATXN2+ patients (p=0.037).

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALSbi, ALS with behavioural impairment; ALScbi, ALS with cognitive and behavioural impairment; ALSci, ALS with cognitive impairment; ALS-FTD, ALS with comorbid FTD.