Commonly associated symptoms | Rare presentations |
Dizziness or vertigo (50.5%) Nausea and vomiting (49.0%) Disequilibrium (42.6%) Muffled hearing or aural fullness (37.1%) Posterior neck pain (34.2%) Cognitive impairment†(31.7%) Tinnitus (27.7%) Hypoacusis (26.2%) Fatigue (24.3%) Photophobia or phonophobia (20.3%) Visual blurring (17.8%) Facial numbness, paraesthesia or pressure (15.8%) | Interscapular pain (10.9%) Dysgeusia (7.4%) Hyperacusis (5.9%) Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia syndrome (2.5%) Reverse orthostatic headache (2%) Bibrachial amyotrophy (1.5%) Superficial siderosis (1.5%) Cerebral venous thrombosis (1%) Abducens nerve palsy (1%) Spinal cord herniation (1%) Coma (0.5%) Syringomyelia (0.5%) Hemifacial spasm (0.5%) |
*Adapted from Schievink [4].
†Most commonly non-specific problems with concentration and word finding.4
SIH, spontaneous intracranial hypotension.