Table 1

Main demographic and clinical characteristics of the two study groups at baseline

MS-NCOVID (n=186)P-value
Sex male, number (%)55 (40.4%)59 (31.7%)0.13*
Median age (IQR)41 (33; 49)45 (35; 52)0.07†
Median disease duration at baseline (IQR)9.44 (5.11; 16.44)12.35 (3.77; 20.22)0.32†
Median EDSS at baseline (IQR)1.5 (1;3)1.5 (1.5;2.5)0.50†
Phenotype at baseline, number (%)0.09*
 RR130 (95.6%)174 (93.6%)
 SP2 (1.5%)10 (5.9%)
 PP4 (2.9%)2 (1.1%)
Ongoing treatment at baseline, number (%)0.50*
 First-line76 (55.9%)96 (51.6%)
 Second-line60 (44.1%)90 (48.4%)
  • *Fisher’s exact test.

  • †Mann-Whitney U test.

  • EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; MS, multiple sclerosis; PP, primary progressive; RR, relapsing-remitting; SP, secondary progressive.