Enduring effects of concussion in youth athletes

Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2002 Jan;17(1):91-100.


The purpose of this study was to explore the mild, enduring effects of concussion in otherwise healthy youth athletes. Reported history of concussion and cognitive functioning was examined in an initial sample of 35 youth athletes, 21 of whom were considered healthy volunteers (No Recent Concussion within the past 6 months) with no identified medical or neuropsychological difficulties related to concussion. The remaining 14 volunteers had each sustained a concussion within 1 week of testing (Recent Concussion). Significant differences in performances on a general cognitive measure, and specifically in the area of attention, were found as a function of number of concussions reported by the No Recent Concussion athletes. Furthermore, on some of the measures, No Recent Concussion athletes with a history of two or more concussions appeared to resemble Recent Concussion athletes more so than No Recent Concussion athletes with a history of one or no concussion. The importance of assessment of youth concussion and the use of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) for this purpose are discussed.