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Directional hypokinesia in spatial hemineglect: a case study.
  1. G Bottini,
  2. R Sterzi,
  3. G Vallar
  1. Divisione di Neurologia, Ospedale di Niguarda, Milan.


    A patient with an ischaemic lesion involving the right frontal lobe and basal ganglia showed left spatial hemineglect in visuomotor exploratory tasks, requiring the use of the right unaffected hand. Her performance was, however, entirely preserved, with no evidence of neglect, when she was required to identify targets among distractors in both the left and right halves of space, and in the Wundt-Jastrow illusion test. The latter tasks do not require any arm movement in extrapersonal space. In this patient spatial hemineglect may be explained in terms of defective organisation of movements towards the left half-space (directional hypokinesia). The frontal lesion of the patient may be the neural correlate of this selective disorder. This pattern of impairment may be contrasted with the typical deficit found in patients with right brain damage with perceptual neglect. One case had a defective performance both in visuomotor and in purely perceptual tasks.

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